Updated on October 5, 2022
While neutral or monochromatic color schemes are undoubtedly timeless and considered a classic, sometimes they can start to feel a bit traditional and downright boring. A playful dash of color outside the basic palette, such as autumn red, bright yellow, or deep blue and letting it appear in pillow covers, accent chairs, and curtains can give new life to an otherwise safe aesthetic.
Play around with your material samples and combine it with paint swatches or cuts of fabric to see an immediate effect of what colors reach out to you and adds appeal to your space. This will allow you to visually see what works so you don’t end up stuck with an accent wall you don’t like.
Creating a bold statement, however, doesn’t always mean you have to go big and loud when it comes to color choices. There are times that it’s the smaller and finer details that demand attention. Think of it like wearing a little black dress: it’s the sparkly jewelry that most of the time that gets remembered.
In designing your basement, although a colorful accent wall with a stunning lighting fixture draws the eye in the setting area, its the array of family photos in a variety of antique frames and other collected memorabilia that holds peoples’ attention.
To give you more ideas, read on to see some captivatingly glamorous basement decorations to inspire you even further in making color choices.
Basement Decorating Ideas
1. Round Sofa
A half round sofa orbited by a round wooden coffee table adorned by animal and tribal figures creates a well-traveled look.
2. Rustic Feels
Raw wooden beams and adorable coffee table sprinkle a rustic charm all over this well-lit habitat.
3. Grey and Modern
A tufted leather ottoman bridge the gap between the sectional sofa and armchair under the white coffered ceiling.
4. Metal Sheet And Pop Colors
Rusty galvanized sheet metal adorned the ceiling of a colorful workstation that features a roof with a smokestack and hardwood floors.
5. Cold and Busy
Cold cement floors, gray flat walls, and an open ceiling keeps everyone at their feet in a pad equipped with a billiard table, dining set, and a metallic bar.
6. Stone Trusses
Stone columns connected to each other with trusses create an arched doorway that frames a wooden bar with a polished stone countertop.
7. Tufted Walls
Accentuated by tufted corner walls, a modern fireplace increased the sexual appeal of this home.
8. Black Kitchenette
Dark stained wood finish covers the entire built-in cabinet of this kitchenette that holds an array of alcoholic drinks.
9. Family Game Night
Mellow orange color livens up the walls of a lovely kids room. Ottomans in different colors of chevron pattern sprinkle a sense style.
10. Narrow And White
A stark white interior is punctuated by black accents to create a dramatic seating area together with the nearby dining table.
11. Lego And Alcohol
Layers and layers of plastic shelving fill the wall of a collectors condo that houses a wide array of plastic toys. The wooden countertop of the bar offers a warm place for a conversation.
12. Metal Chairs And Bar
A minibar in front of a kitchenette is dripping with masculinity, thanks to the raw wood ceiling, stained wood cabinetry, and the alcohol of choice.
13. Center Sectional
At the center of this warm and cozy seating area, a modular sofa is surrounded by framed basketball memorabilia.
14. Play Room
An all-neutral color palette helps this mini-game room creates a welcoming atmosphere, highlighted by the exotic hardwood floors, paneled white walls and the exposed brick wall at the back.
15. Teal It Up
Teal accents help amplifies the appeal of this apartment with an all-white open ceiling and minimalist wall detailing.
16. Stair Storage
The under space of this stairs is maximized through a clever use of utilitarian shelvings accompanied by wicker baskets.